What is Shotcrete?

Oct 29, 2021 | Structural services | 0 comments

Shotcrete is a method of placing concrete at high speed on to a surface. The surface is usually in vertical position. This method entails applying either mortar or high-performance concrete through a hose pneumatically. The components of this method are aggregates, cement, and water. They can also have fine materials, chemicals, and also reinforcing fibers in order to make the concrete stronger and more durable. While these materials are essentially the same as regular concrete, what makes shotcrete different is the application. The pneumatic projection of the concrete causes quick compaction on the surface where the concrete is sprayed. 

Shotcrete has the same properties as regular concrete but the way its placed results in an excellent bond with most surfaces. With shotcrete, concrete bonds with the desired surface almost instantly. This is even more true when it comes to curved or complex shapes or forms. This makes it an almost perfect method for working on curved or dome-like surfaces. 

The process of applying shotcrete does not require a lot of molding of the concrete the way regular pouring does. It’s also more economically feasible than regularly placed concrete. This method of placing concrete onto a surface is used in new construction, repairs of existing structures, and surfaces that require a curved or a thin layer of concrete. Shotcrete can be applied by either a wet or a dry mix process.  

Dry-mix Process Vs Wet-mix Process

The dry-mix process mixes cement and wet aggregates and places them into a device with compressed air. That mix is sent by the compressed air through a hose to the nozzle. In the nozzle, water is added to the mix under pressure and sprayed at high velocity onto the surface. The dry-mix process has better bonding ability because of its low water-cement ratio. 

The wet-mix process mixes all ingredients to create the desired concrete. The mix is than placed inside a device that then forces the material out through a hose into a nozzle where compressed air pushes it out at high speeds. With this process, the water-cement ratio can be better controlled. 

Which Type Is Right For You?

The choice of which type of method depends on each project. It depends on the size of the project, the quantity that needs to be sprayed, and the environmental circumstances surrounding the project. Shotcrete is most often used in tunnel lining and support, rock support in underground projects, canals, among others. It can also be used to steady slopes. Its also often used in the creation of swimming pools, skate parks, and restoration and repair work. 

Why Chose Shotcrete?

Shotcrete is a great method of applying concrete for various reasons. Since shotcrete does not require a mold in order to be placed, it makes pouring easier and faster. That saves money and time. Shotcrete is also great because of its easy to apply process which enables hard to reach places to be sprayed with concrete. It also makes it easier to create any form or shape desired. 

What is Shotcrete?

Shotcrete is a method of placing concrete at high speed on to a surface. The surface is usually in vertical position. This method entails applying either mortar or high-performance concrete through a hose pneumatically. The components of this method are aggregates, cement, and water. They can also have fine materials, chemicals, and also reinforcing fibers in order to make the concrete stronger and more durable. While these materials are essentially the same as regular concrete, what makes shotcrete different is the application. The pneumatic projection of the concrete causes quick compaction on the surface where the concrete is sprayed. 

Shotcrete has the same properties as regular concrete but the way its placed results in an excellent bond with most surfaces. With shotcrete, concrete bonds with the desired surface almost instantly. This is even more true when it comes to curved or complex shapes or forms. This makes it an almost perfect method for working on curved or dome-like surfaces. 

The process of applying shotcrete does not require a lot of molding of the concrete the way regular pouring does. It’s also more economically feasible than regularly placed concrete. This method of placing concrete onto a surface is used in new construction, repairs of existing structures, and surfaces that require a curved or a thin layer of concrete. Shotcrete can be applied by either a wet or a dry mix process.  

Dry-mix Process Vs Wet-mix Process

The dry-mix process mixes cement and wet aggregates and places them into a device with compressed air. That mix is sent by the compressed air through a hose to the nozzle. In the nozzle, water is added to the mix under pressure and sprayed at high velocity onto the surface. The dry-mix process has better bonding ability because of its low water-cement ratio. 

The wet-mix process mixes all ingredients to create the desired concrete. The mix is than placed inside a device that then forces the material out through a hose into a nozzle where compressed air pushes it out at high speeds. With this process, the water-cement ratio can be better controlled. 

Which Type Is Right For You?

The choice of which type of method depends on each project. It depends on the size of the project, the quantity that needs to be sprayed, and the environmental circumstances surrounding the project. Shotcrete is most often used in tunnel lining and support, rock support in underground projects, canals, among others. It can also be used to steady slopes. Its also often used in the creation of swimming pools, skate parks, and restoration and repair work. 

Why Chose Shotcrete?

Shotcrete is a great method of applying concrete for various reasons. Since shotcrete does not require a mold in order to be placed, it makes pouring easier and faster. That saves money and time. Shotcrete is also great because of its easy to apply process which enables hard to reach places to be sprayed with concrete. It also makes it easier to create any form or shape desired. 

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