What is the Difference Between a Structural Engineer and an Architect?

Nov 11, 2020 | Structural services | 0 comments

Have you ever looked at a building, home, or structure and wondered about the process of developing it? More specifically, have you ever wondered who is responsible for what? As it turns out, the two critical roles in the development of a building are structural engineers and architects. However, what are the differences between the two roles? For answering this question, we need to delve a little deeper.

The Role of a Structural Engineer

Structural engineers play a critical role in any project. They design projects like dams, buildings, and bridges. While the design process can take place in an office space, structural engineers need to consistently pay visits to the construction site. This is to ensure that construction is completed correctly, since some projects may encounter complex problems that need to be anticipated. Typically, some of the job responsibilities of a structural engineer include following government regulations, obtaining building permits, testing construction materials, and ensuring worker safety. Hence, structural engineers need to be aware of a lot when construction begins. Want to learn more about structural engineers? Check out our separate article which delves deeper into their role!

The Role of an Architect

Architects are involved with designing outdoor spaces to meet the visual appeal which clients are looking for. They must ensure their designs are compliant with various codes and laws. Architects usually work with computer programs to develop the design of a building, but sometimes these designs can be drawn by hand. These designs require a level of creativity. Architect responsibilities include setting up project meetings, preparing cost estimates, preparing project drawings, arranging construction team contracts, and public marketing.

How Do Both Work Together?

So, how do engineers and architects work together? Architects usually draft up designs for projects. These are made with some forethought of cost, resources available, and general building construction knowledge. However, once the drawing is made and accepted, it is now up to the structural engineer to bring that drawing to reality. This is where extensive knowledge of construction material, the construction process, and managing the flow of progress are handled by a structural engineer. Without these two roles working together, building would hardly be achievable.

If you need a structural engineer, call Sabio Engineering Services at (929) 381-0300 or visit our website.

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