Wall to Wall Home Inspections

Dec 28, 2020 | retaining wall | 0 comments

A home inspection, also known as a building inspection or a property inspection, is a thorough visual assessment of a home or building conducted by a certified professional. A home inspection can occur for many reasons, but it usually occurs prior to the purchase of a home. The purpose of this inspection is the reveal any issues that might become a problem for the buyer in the short-term or long-term. A home inspection can also occur before a seller lists the property to avoid any surprises during a negotiation.

Home Inspection Process

During a home inspection, there is a walk-through tour of the building, where the condition of the property is closely scrutinized. Defects and deficiencies are noted, and recommendations for repair are made. The licensed inspector will look for any problems that could affect health and safety, as well as finances.

 A typical inspection will take two to three hours, depending on the size and layout of the property. The house is examined from the ground up and from the outside in. The inspector will make note of observations of structural components. These include roof, foundation, basement, exterior and interior walls, chimney, doors, and windows. The notes will include a comprehensive, objective evaluation of home condition. It will clearly outline any existing defects and potential problems. 

Since few homeowners are experienced in building construction, overlooking a fundamental problem can cost you tremendously. Therefore, many wise homeowners choose to have a home inspection prior to closing the sale. Any issues that arise can be discussed with the seller during negotiations. If you want to learn more about How to Inspect Cavity Wall Insulation, look at this article!

Do you need a home inspection? Call Sabio Engineering Services at (929) 381-0300 or visit our website.

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