Metal Roof And Leaf System

Dec 9, 2021 | Structural services | 0 comments

Have you ever noticed that most roofs for homes look the similar? As if they were all made from similar material? Well, this isn’t always the case. In some cases, metal roofs are made to look like clay, slate, or even wooden roofs. Metal roofs and gutters come with their own list of pros and cons, lets get into those. 

Advantages Of Metal Roofs

The main difference between metal roofs and other materials is that steel roofs are stronger, more rust resistant, and more durable. Steel is also typically more expensive than other materials and has a more expensive installation, but it is better quality in many aspects. 

Steel roofs are coated in zinc which protects the material from corrosion. This makes the maintenance cost of steal roofs significantly lower than other materials. Steel roofs last about 30 years more than materials such as asphalt. That saves homeowners money in the long run. 

This type of roof is also weatherproof, meaning that they keep homes cooler during the heat of the summer, and warm during the cold of the winter. This can save homeowners a significant amount on energy bills. 

Steel roofs are also fireproof. Steel is extremely fire resistant which makes the roof safer in case of a fire- it minimizes the risk of the roof collapsing. 

The visual appeal of metal roofs is another plus. Steel roofs can be made to look like any other material you’d typically see on roofs, but you get all the benefits of having a steel roof. 

Disadvantages Of Metal Roofs

The only big downside to metal roofs is its cost. It is an expensive option to roofing, however, a good investment for homeowners if they want something longstanding and that wont give headaches down the road. 

Another downside may be poor noise control from rain or hail .It may be a bit loud and bothersome. 


Gutters are extremely important for maintaining the structural integrity of any home. Moisture caused by running rainwater is one of the leading causes of structural damages in a home. Making sure gutters are placed properly and are working the way they’re supposed to will prevent foundation problems, will keep the soil around the house stable, and avoid flooding in or around the home. 

Metal gutters are an excellent choice for a homes gutter system. Metal gutters minimizes the maintenance necessary which makes it a great long-term option for homeowners. 

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